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Model Talk 6 - Modelling, a relaxing hobby? I think not!

Model Talk - 6


Modelling – a relaxing hobby? I think not!



Whenever I talk about my hobby to someone who is not a modeller, the words ‘enjoyment ‘and ‘relaxation’ invariably crop up in the descriptive conversation. However, there are some days, (weeks, months even), that are very far from enjoyable and relaxing!


As the theme for this Model Talk, I WAS going to say that occasionally things don’t go quite right and I sometimes lose my temper – but rather than ‘occasionally’, it seems to be ‘invariably’ nowadays!


Without wishing to incur any further ‘wrath’ from my old mate, correspondent and erstwhile Model Talk ‘critic’, Derek Reeve, regarding my building spree on World War Two models, I have just been applying some wing walkway lines to a pair of Spitfires I’m decalling-up. I say ‘applying’ in the loosest possible terms, as they did anything but ‘apply’ themselves to the model... the little tinkers!


Being relatively long thin black lines of decal, they were an absolute swine to slide off the backing paper, and even using all the ‘proper’ enthusiast modeller accroutements such as soft flat brushes, tweezers and Micro Set and Micro Sol, (I always get mixed up which should be applied first!), I literally ran out of hands – to hold the model, the backing paper in position just above the wing so I could slide the decal off and on to wing, and then, using a flat brush, to gently tease them in to position...


Talk about the ‘air was blue’! I even used swear words I didn’t know I knew!


It seems that most of my recent modelling experiences have been fraught with frustration. I don’t know why particularly, but NOTHING seems to have gone right of late.


For instance, another recent example disaster, (World War Two vintage again – sorry Derek!), was with a Ju 87B Stuka I was working on. It was already running behind (my self-imposed) schedule, but as I was applying the top coat of matt varnish to it, I experienced what can only be described as ‘a chemical reaction’ and all the paint bubbled up all over the airframe, aaaaargh!


After several stunned, disbelieving, minutes, followed by a tantrum of infantile proportions, including yet another stream of very loud Anglo Saxon invective, I partially calmed down and stripped off all the lovingly applied paint and decals – and have started it all over again...


What has added to my problems is that my ‘other problem’, (only the ONE other – I think not – see later!?!), I am also gradually developing a more limited attention span, and if any project I’m working on doesn’t get completed within say, a month or two, I start to lose interest – especially as the next project, or projects (as I tend to work on more that one model/project at a time) in line, progressively takes more and more of my interest...


Added to this, ANOTHER one of my (now many, and increasing!) problems is that if – (or more like ‘when’) – I buy a new book, (and I do buy quite a few!!!), I tend to get so enthused with the subject of the book(s), I simply ‘have’ to make a model, or models, of it/them!


Also, whilst I enjoy the construction aspects of modelling, (I STILL get a ‘buzz’ from opening the box of a newly purchased kit and looking at all the parts on the sprue trees – will I ever grow up?), I cannot wait to get to the ‘slapping paint on it’ stage! I’m certainly no ‘engineer’, although I do like converting kits into slightly different versions, sub-types or Marks when I can – although this is becoming more and more difficult to actually find a version, sub-type or Mark of mainstream aeroplane design, (and some not so mainstream designs), that haven’t been kitted today.


I know it’s because I don’t take as much care and attention over my modelling and models as I should, and when the inevitable hint of a joint line, or glint of decal silvering, or slightly wavy ‘straight’ line, rears its ugly head, I become even more annoyed and frustrated with myself...


I know you’re probably, and quite rightly, saying to yourself, so why doesn’t the stupid plonker just make one model at a time? You’re right, I should – but I’m a modelling butterfly and a lost cause...


Oh, and whilst I’m in ‘ranting mode’, ANOTHER thing that annoys me intensely is the “I know I put it somewhere...” syndrome. (Similar to the CRAFT syndrome – ‘Can’t Remember A Flipping Thing’, but to do with disappearing items rather than thoughts).


I don’t know whether it is a combination of approaching old age, (and associated poverty), or just general absentmindedness, but recently I have also been ‘losing’ things...!


Quite apart from the irreplaceable small part, so carefully and gently held in the tweezers, which, just at the very point it is to be attached to the model, pings into space and is devoured by ‘the carpet monster’ to be lost forever – or at least until I have spent valuable modelling time making a replacement part only to ‘find’ it again by treading on it! – I regularly ‘lose’ kit parts or tools that I have literally just put down on my workbench a matter of seconds before. Then when I go to pick it/them up again – it/they’ve disappeared! I never used to believe in ‘Gremlins’ but now I reckon my modelling room is full of ’em!


Reference books that I have had to hand for weeks miraculously dissolve into the ether the moment I want to check some detail from them, or worse still, as has just happened to myself and another old mate, veteran modeller and reviewer Ernie Lee, concerning a specific reference book that we both had copies of. When I went to look for my copy, and discovered it had ‘disappeared’ from my library, I phoned Ernie up to ask if I could borrow his copy. No problem, we’re old friends and he’s used to me losing things and grovelling to him for peek ‘at his’. However, this time, a few minutes later I got a return phone call informing me that his had ‘disappeared’ too! Now that is weird!


Invariably, I DO find it/them, (at least, I have done up to now – how’s that for tempting fate?) – but strangely NEVER where I THOUGHT I had put them!


Finally, before I go for my afternoon nap, fanning my fevered brow with the latest copy of a modelling magazine, for those of you living in God’s own county, and even those more unfortunate souls who live in the wilderness known as ‘the rest of the UK’, may I finish with a brief reminder that it is the Huddersfield 2011 Model Show on Sunday 20 February. Maybe I will see you there? ...assuming I don’t forget to turn up that is!

Tally Ho!


