About Relish Models
About Relish Models
This page was originally the "About Us" page but that wasn't accurate as Relish Models is actually one person, me, Graham Endeacott. I could have called it the "About Me" page but that seems a bit pretentious and you don't really want to know about me.
At Relish Models, you get personal service. Every order is dealt with by me and every order is packaged by me. If it's wrong, it's my fault, not some poor chap on the warehouse floor being paid minimum wage. I try not to make mistakes but occasionally they do occur. If there is a problem with your order, simply let me know and it will be sorted out.
I try to keep overheads to a minimum and these savings are passed on to you but I do not attempt to price-match with other companies.
As I work from home, there is a physical limit to the amount of stock that I can carry but I am happy to order in, on request, any currently available item.
Relish Models is listed on shopsafe.co.uk, a site dedicated to ensuring safe shopping on the internet and Relish Models has passed with flying colours, a test purchase conducted by North Yorkshire County Council Trading Standards Service.